About Us

What We Do

Lakshhya is a transformative educational organization(Lakshhya:NGO in UP) that has been actively spreading hands-on learning to poor rural and urban children and teachers in India since 2016.


Today we all know about the importance of education but education for slum area children still a question mark. So as a oraganization we started some project and awarness event to educate them

Sports Activities

who are working to achieve their potential can inspire countless others to strive for excellence. We work to provide sporting talent the right support at the right time, to give sporting talent a fair chance.

Health Care

We organized several awareness drives and health related events like dental and oral camps, blood donation camps, earth hour observation, water conservation, world environment day celebration day etc.

Support and Dignity

We believe, that providing mere basic health care is not enough, as every individual also deserves dignity, at Lakshhya Society NGO in Aligarh, we ensure the same by providing them respect, human touch, basic health care, free food and dry ration through compassionate approach.

Your small contribution will support us to feed family members & caregivers of underprivileged patients in the hospital.

Who we are

Lakshhya is a transformative educational organization that has been actively spreading hands-on learning to poor rural and urban children and teachers in India since 2016. The unique methods and programs at Lakshhya aim to address gaps in education systems that are stretched to their limits. Programs spark creative thinking and problem solving.

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What we do

The journey of lakshhya as a registered NGO began in 2016. lakshhya was established by like-minded people to provide education to the underprivileged children, to build better lively hood opportunities for the rural and underprivileged urban youth, to enrich quality health services for adolescent girls and women. The thought process behind lakshhya is that quality education is the only medium that can improve the living standards of the poor people. It is the most powerful tool, which can equip them to make informed and intelligent choices about their lives and future. lakshhya believes that education is the only weapon to fight poverty and truly empower the children who tomorrow will be the face of India. lakshhya seeks to achieve a better tomorrow through the medium of education and unleash the power of knowledge that is inaccessible to millions. since its establishment as a NGO in uttar pradesh, lakshhya has grown both in scope and in geographical coverage.